Mr Professor Du
Professor Du, cultural scholar and poet. Graduated in 1960 from the National University Department of Xiamen (five years). Moved to Hong Kong in the late 1970s. Longtime chief editor of the textbook, and is also the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Institute of Education Chinese Culture Research consultant and editor. dozens of books, over a hundred books, including : 《新理念中國語文》, 《新視野中國歷史》, 《國史述要》《中華文化擷英》《中華文化承傳》《中華經典導讀》《成語典故解讀》與《思若三齋詩詞對聯集》。 |
Ms. Hong Yuen Ling
Ms. Hong Yuen Ling is Senior Development Manager in Hong Kong Education City, responsible for education services, business development and marketing positions, with more than two decades of experience in planning and management , and text struck. Ms. Hung love education , individualized convinced that, through a combination of innovation and tradition of excellent methods to effectively inspire the students, more than talent, to achieve better teaching and learning. |
Mr. Wong Kwai Yau
Registered social worker, serving Hong Kong Boys' Assistant Director-General , responsible for institutional development. Mr. Wong is the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Doctor of Philosophy ( Social Work ) , City University of Hong Kong Master of Philosophy ( Psychology ) and Bachelor of Arts in Social Work . Author of 《童看貧窮 》 (2005) , 《打破跨代貧窮: 貧窮兒童資產調查 》 (2007) , 《童看貧窮: 小"貧"友訴說成長生活的歷程》 (2010) and other works. |
Principal Yang Yonghan
President , history, classical literature and Chinese PhD Confucius Hall Middle School , author of monograph 《論晚明遼餉收支》, 《虛構與歷史》, 《虛構與史實—從話本「三言」看明代社會》 and 《論晚明遼餉的收支》. |
Mr. Man Chu Fe
Current Position Major works
Dr. Pamela Pui Wan Leung
Associate Professor / Department of Chinese Language Studies, Centre Head / Centre for Language in Education Dr. Pamela LEUNG has had many years of experience in the area of Chinese language teaching, both in the classroom and as a teacher educator. Dr Leung has taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong and overseas. Her areas of specialization include Chinese Linguistics and related teaching, learning and assessment strategies. Recently, Dr. Leung has been working on projects about using assessment for learning in language classrooms, using Putonghua (Modern Standard Chinese) as the medium of instruction in teaching Chinese language in Hong Kong, and teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students. |
Ms. Debbie Langford
Native English Teacher (NET) from the UK Majored in English literature / History , with one year in Education . Several years experience working at The British lLibrary London as an administrator in various library departments . Moved to Hong Kong in 1993. Further training and teaching experience working with children, teenagers and adult learners at The British Council , HK. Since 2001 , NET at Sacred Heart Canossian Primary School, HK. Advocate of creative and less rigid methods of English instruction that incorporate writing , reading , role play and games to develop, nurture and inspire children's love of learning. |
Josephine Wong
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong |
Aaron Lau
Dr. Lau graduated from the University of Oxford with a Master in Chemistry. He has further completed his DPhil Degree in 2015. |
names are not listed in order